Friday, December 19, 2008


On Thursday December 11, 2008, in room 204 a debate was held as to determine whether Miller’s definition of a modern tragedy is or is not appropriate to the modern age. The affirmative team was Dawson, Justin and Ben. They were against a team made of Stephanie B, Stephanie M and Rebecca. The judges for this debate were Seth, Colton and Logan.

The affirmative side started their debate by stating what you must have for a novel to be a tragedy. The negative side started their debate with research based on Aristotle’s definition of a tragic character. Stephanie brought up how Millar’s definition of tragedy applied more to Shakespearean times than anything else.

Both rebuttals seemed very week as no real information was presented as both teams seemed only interested in attacking on another.

The second round of arguments seemed fairly week as well. There was a lack research done by both teams and it seemed to be that the work load was left up to Sweeny and Stephanie B. Stephanie B kept carrying her team and Justin seemed only interested in attacking the other team based on the fact that they are all blond women.

The free for all was one to remember. It was a non stop bashing of women’s rights by the negative side, and the repercussions of this can and will probably be seen some time in May at prom. Because of this, Boucher had enough and it seemed to be an all out war between her and Sweeny.

But luckily for Stephanie and her team they won in favor of their opponents. In a debate that had much promise to be as much intellectual as educational lead to be an all out battle of the sex’s.

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