Monday, December 15, 2008

1.6/7 ???

Hamlets actions during the course of the play can best be described as a person who has just lost their father and doesn’t exactly know how to cope with his loss. Which explains a lot of Hamlets mood swings and erratic behavior. All he seems to be able to focus on is how to get his revenge for the death of his father and a lot of his comments are directed towards his mother and Claudius. He is constantly going off on long speeches about his task at hand and so to those people around him he seems to be a little bit off his rocker.

To the people around him his actions are not taken to well. As most of the people in his immediate family are scared of him: ie. His mother after he kills Polonius, Claudius once he learns of Hamlets plan to kill him and even the woman he loved is so put off by his most recent actions she has to go and off herself. His constant rants and erratic behavior leads most people to believe he has gone mad. So mad in fact that his own mother is worried and tells the King of what has happened.

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