Monday, December 15, 2008


What Hamlet does in his own reality during the play is that he forgets all the things around him and essentially puts blinders on as the only thing he worries about is trying to kill Claudius. He loses touch with the people around him as they all begin to think he is crazy and in the end seals his fate as his own selfishness gave him the role of the “tragic hero” which in turn lead to his death.

Gertrude is another character with blinders on. She has herself living in this reality where everything seems to be going great. When in fact, shit has hit the fan. She doesn’t seem to mourn for the loss of her husband and doesn’t seem to be too worried about her son’s emotional state until she feels that her life is on the line.

Claudius spends his time in a reality where he can trust no one. This is very apparent through out the course of the play. He spends his time constantly looking over his shoulder. Especially when he learns of Hamlets plan to kill him, because this forces him to come up with a plan of his own, which later back fires as he ends up killing his wife in the process.

The family unit as shown in this play, plays a huge role in society. In the beginning things were going well for Hamlet and his family. But with the death of his father and his mother’s hasty marriage, this caused a huge divide in the family and things started to get a little messed up. As the family began to fall apart everyone started to rely on himself or herself as they had no one to go to, so they all became selfish in there own ways. So without a strong support from a family society falls apart.

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