Monday, December 15, 2008


Maslows Hierarchy is a theory in psychology that basically breaks up any given persons needs on five basic levels. These levels become less of a primary need and more of a psychological need the higher you go on the pyramid. The five levels are physiological needs, Security needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs and finally the need for self-actualization. In this activity I will describe Hamlets reality based on Maslows Hierarchy and show how his murder of Claudius satisfied the needs of this hierarchy.

The Murder Of Claudius

In the play, Claudius kills King Hamlet and by doing so wrecks the balance in young Hamlets life. This affects Hamlet on three levels on the Hierarchy; Security needs, Love and Belonging and Self Actualization. His security needs are endangered because a family member was just murdered so in order to fulfill his security needs he feels like the death of his uncle is the only way to go. The needs for his Love and Belonging were endangered because Hamlet felt that the relationship he had with his mother was threatened because of the marriage that just occurred. For Self Actualization he felt that there was a problem with the marriage of his uncle and mother because if they were to marry and have kids there was no need for him anymore because he would no longer be inline for the thrown. So in order to solve this problem he killed Claudius.

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